Saturday, September 8, 2007

If Ashton Kutcher Was A Social News Site

Wow, DIGG wow, you have outdone yourself. Over many months i have witnessed arbitrary news articles, liberal propaganda, stupid cat pictures, and iphone vomit but never have seen something so abrasive, as this. Digg it surprises me that you actually specialize in ignorant, knee-jerk reactions.

I think it's best sums it is digg user by anarchytv:

wow... digg users are complete assholes. a woman loses two of her kids, in serious wreck that probably injures her and the rest of her kids too, and all you people can do is want to string her up and execute her? are you people royally out of your mind? santimonious son of a bitches all of you...

in life we do a lot of things at the drop of a moment that we don't know why.... you don't know shit about what was going through her mind at the time, with four screaming kids in the back seat, one maybe that had to use the bathroom real bad, another that was late for soccer practice, or she was late for work, or her abusive husband who kept her on a short leash was giving her hell for being around town and not back at home in the kitchen. you don't know shit. and you're so damn ready to scream for blood.

humanity just so throughly disgusts me... wait until some truely bizarre shit happens to you, destroys your life forever, and to add on top of that, some lynch mob wants to slander you and string you up by the neck. the woman lost two of her children, that alone is devastating beyond belief. if there is a god, may he/shit/it judge you, as harshly as you judge others..."

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