Friday, September 28, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

/halo theme song

I picked up my copy of Halo 3 at Costco today and I have to say that it is quite the awesome game. I didn't really know what to expect considering I loved the original Halo while I loathed its sequel. I've only played for about 2 hours but they were packed with awesome. Elites are terrifying, seriously. There are a few things that tick me off, however. First being that if you die, you respawn with different weapons and when you passed the checkpoint; sometimes if you die and you don't have a sniper rifle, you'll need to get lucky and kill the sniper or run around and let Arbiter snipe the enemy sniper. There are enemy snipers everywhere... everywhere. Seriously, everywhere.

More Halo stuff tomorrow.

New Ipod Review Roundup!

Thinking about once again immersing yourself in the consumerist flood of apple products? Well with this review roundup of all apples new products you ll be sure to make the right decision. Actually, considering apple will be releasing new ipods in about 6 months there really is no right choice...

Ipod Touch(Keep in mind the earlier screen issues have been corrected):

{Read} Ilounge





Remember our review on the ipod touch will be out in less than a week!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Creppiest thing you'll see for a few weeks

Words cannot describe the terribleness of this link. Not for the weak-hearted, borderline NSFW.

A Different Perspective #2

After debating for awhile on whether to release this "not-as-funny-and-not-as-anti-semitic" redub of Chunk-o-Paper's second comic, we decided to anyway.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Different Perspective #1

Now you can laugh twice at Chunk-O-Papers comic with our redubbed version.


Friday, September 21, 2007


Come show use your drawing skills at
It's a "public white board"; come draw nonphallic objects. When you click the link, type in "Chris" as the name.

Comic 1

In competitive spirit, we too, have made a comic.

(6:07:39 PM) LaSporgenza39: haha, stfu, make a better comic
(6:07:42 PM) Got Milk is Cool: and Nathaniel's face srsly creeps me out
(6:07:48 PM) Got Milk is Cool: We will!
(6:07:52 PM) LaSporgenza39: hahaha, nice

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Donkey Kong + Jackass

Many lulz and much awesomeness ensures.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Halo 3 Howdown

Grab your banjo, straw hat, your favorite flavor of Halo 3 branded Mountain Dew, sit down, watch and enjoy!

Root Canals=Re-Watching "Love Actually"

First they put on a shitty movie, typically you have three choices: Documentary, Corny Old Film, or Disney Classic. If you pick the documentary, you're a douche, picking the corny old film would make you an asshole, and if you pick the Disney classic-- lets just not go into that(You Cant Fucking Win) . Then they proceed to jab a needle into your gum. Then they do it again and again and again. After its firmly inserted into your tender tissue they wiggle it, and push extra hard, just to make sure you as uncomfortable as possible. Then they leave you...this is the part where you're probably thinking that you would have been better off taking lethal doses of Advil for the rest of your miserable life.
Right as you're about to make a mad dash for the window, the doctor enters. He oozes bullshit, you can see it dribble out of his pores and onto the floor. He then says you name, shakes your hand and proceeds to word-vomit all over your face about how fun the ensuing procedure will be! You know hes lying but some slow, pathetic part of you cerebrum wants to believe its true. Then he takes out a large plastic thing and clamps it onto your mouth, the situation is rapidly devolving into that torture scene from Dune. Then he takes out the needles, those terribly symmetrical beasts. At two inches long and less then a mm wide they look like something that the Terminator would use to eviscerate your fucking eye.
The next part is unpleasant. Very unpleasant. The abridged version: As the needles get longer, the amount of blood pooled up in your mouth increases. After dangling the impaled pulpy inside of you tooth in front of you for nearly an hour he asks if you're O.K. Why did he do that? I will never know, it seems not to occur to people in dentistry that when you have a 6 inch piece of plastic that bears a strange resemblance to the car gasket in your mouth, speaking becomes difficult.
Finally you get up, half you face is bloated and you feel like shit. You try to smile but some drool escapes the left side of you mouth and plops into the floor. You want nothing more than to take the big sucky tube and jam it up the dentist ass, but that is impossible in your current narcotic induced state of mind. Instead you give another goofy smile to the receptionist and as you stumble out the door she reminds you that you shouldn't even think about eating for the next 6 hours or else you'll bite you tongue off.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The best shit in life is free shit

Wow... EA giving back and not doing something doucy... but knowning EA it won't run or install. Anti-EA remarks aside, go relive an awesome game! You may have to go through a few extra steps to get it to run but the original C&C is worth it!

"Deutschland's finest!"

In order to give back to the fans for over 12 years of devotion we are putting together a 12th Anniversary celebration during the month of September. However, as any Command & Conquer fan knows, the true party starts today, August 31st, which marks 12 years since the original Command & Conquer launched way back in 1995.

To kick the celebration off, today we have a special surprise which we are certain new and old Command & Conquer fans will enjoy. We are providing the original Command & Conquer as a free download, compatible for Windows XP! This is the same version included with the collectors pack Command & Conquer: The First Decade, and is now available for you to download for free!

Check it out here!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Scammer gets PWN'd


"stupid ass u cant hack or nuthin... i got norton"

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Meet the next new, big, badass, web comic

From the badasses that brought you unknown stuff and more unknown stuff, comes a (triweekly?) webcomic with action, romance and lulz. It will be an intriguing and interesting comic, and they're also good friends of ours. And if you don't like the content, then just click on some ads.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Ever wish your DS' screens were larger? This guy did.

His uninspiring Comcast hosted site.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spongebob Innuendo

Good god Nickelodeon; think of the children!

So You Have Something Else To Stare At Besides The Retard Post Below

The above comic is from, which is number 3 on my list of "Best Internet Webpages 4 Ever". Thats right, this is the third best internet web page and I recommend you check it out because it is going to be a while before i release the other four. These are on the more mature side of the web comic spectrum, so all you vgcat readers might need to prep with at least 5 minutes of Brain Training and a Dickens book before venturing to this sites hallowed domain.

Monday, September 10, 2007

How to hack a cell phone to recieve police transmitions

Pretty self explanatory... please try and post the results.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

This Evening In Adorable Critters #1

Yes every week I will update this blog with new adorable critters so you will be, for a short time, distracted and so forget to dwell upon whatever physical deformations you possess. And if you find post about baby monkeys arbitrary and immature then maybe you should come to the realization that your cynical criticisms on post regarding the attractiveness of small animals are directly related to you being a total asshole and having no friends.


"These children want to paint. There are only two paintbrushes."
Timmy must share.

If Ashton Kutcher Was A Social News Site

Wow, DIGG wow, you have outdone yourself. Over many months i have witnessed arbitrary news articles, liberal propaganda, stupid cat pictures, and iphone vomit but never have seen something so abrasive, as this. Digg it surprises me that you actually specialize in ignorant, knee-jerk reactions.

I think it's best sums it is digg user by anarchytv:

wow... digg users are complete assholes. a woman loses two of her kids, in serious wreck that probably injures her and the rest of her kids too, and all you people can do is want to string her up and execute her? are you people royally out of your mind? santimonious son of a bitches all of you...

in life we do a lot of things at the drop of a moment that we don't know why.... you don't know shit about what was going through her mind at the time, with four screaming kids in the back seat, one maybe that had to use the bathroom real bad, another that was late for soccer practice, or she was late for work, or her abusive husband who kept her on a short leash was giving her hell for being around town and not back at home in the kitchen. you don't know shit. and you're so damn ready to scream for blood.

humanity just so throughly disgusts me... wait until some truely bizarre shit happens to you, destroys your life forever, and to add on top of that, some lynch mob wants to slander you and string you up by the neck. the woman lost two of her children, that alone is devastating beyond belief. if there is a god, may he/shit/it judge you, as harshly as you judge others..."

Vulgar Piano

Use your imagination.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Call of Duty 4 Beta

Disclaimer, this was written late at night/in the morning and it riddled with grammatical blasphemies, has small, simple words, no beginning or ending. Feel free to point out errors in the comments.

Gameplay is where Call of Duty 4 shines the most. Veterans of the previous installments in the series know that the COD series strives for Hollywood-realism and the newest installment doesn't disappoint. The dozen or so weapons available in the beta are balanced and nuanced in every way. Assault Rifles such as the M4 or AK47 can shoot through wood and other thin materials while heavier weapons like the SAW and sniper rifles can even penetrate thicker surfaces such as cement and sandbags; this brings cover to a whole new level of extreme. The beta currently has four different types of games, "Team deathmatch," "Free-for-all," "Team Tactial" and "Team Objective." "Team deathmatch" and FFA consist of 12 players (or 6 per team) and the player or team with the most points is the victor. In "Team Tactial," two teams of 2-3 players try to plant a bomb or defend the bomb site with no respawns(ala Counter Strike). These games are very nerve racking and intense, unlike larger skirmishes, the success of your team is a product of your skillz and ability to work as a team. "Team Objective" comes in a large scale version of "Team Tactial" and CTF flavor.

You can customize your weapons with unlockable camos and attachments such as suppressors and scopes. While (at least in the beta) you can't customize the physical appearance of your soldier you have three different "perks". While you naturally have your generic traits such as increased damage and increased health, COD4 introduces several innovative perks including "Last Stand". If your soldier is "killed" with last stand, you instead fall to the floor, whip out your pistol and try to take your assailant down with you. You also receive double points for kills when you dispatch a hostile this way. To level up, you need experience points and depending on the game type, you get between 5-50 experience points per kill not to mention other points for completing objectives and winning. After about five hours of play I reached the max rank for the beta, which is 16; the final game will have enough ranks to you occupied.

The graphics have a very smooth feel due to the fact that it run in a beautiful 60fps. Motion blur, bloom and focusing effects make "jaggy edges" almost nonexistant. Textures aren't nearly as sharp as in Gears of War but but the whole "blurrish" feel of the game makes high resolution textures almost unnecessary. Trees and grass have a very "lust" feeling to them. Other special effects such as dynamic smoke, lighting, and other sprites are excellent.

While there are only four levels in the beta, they are the perfect size; not too big, not too small, small enough for an epic 1vs1 duel and inclusive enough for 12 player shootout. The four levels included in the beta are intuitive, easy to memorize and unique.

The game's user interface is simple and minimalistic, which makes it easy to hop in a quick game of Call of Duty or manage your weapons. The game controls on the other hand have a slight learning curve and the look sensitivity is either, too low damn slow, really slow, not bad or fucking ninja fast (i.e. you breathe on the stick and your view rotates 360°); in other words: I wish there was a 10 point scale or slider bar for look sensitivity. The game controls however are very logical and convenient after you spend some time to get accustomed with them. The online part is good but not without flaws; when you use XBL's matchmaking service "play now" you will either join someone's game or create your own. While it may take only 30 seconds to get into the game (*COUGH*WARHAWKTAKENOTEPLZ*COUGH*), if you join a laggy game you will need to suffer through (and run the risk of getting D/C'd) or quit and auto-rejoin a new sever... this seems to be more of a flaw with the XBL matchmaking system than COD4 but it is a problem nonetheless. A few times I was playing on a perfectly fine server when I started lagging, warped under the level and eventually died a mysterious death. Call of Duty 4 is still in beta, however.

Had I just spent $40 for the online feature of this game, I would be completely satisfied.

How to Untangle MP3 Headphones

You know when you pickup your MP3 player iPod and you want to listen to your favorite illegally downloaded songs purchased from iTunes, but your earbuds are in some abhorrent knot? You can now curb your fears with this easy cat hack.

If someone has a cat, please post if this works.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

This Just In From The Fucktards At Safeway Marketing

I hate this sign. I hate this sign with a fiery passion. Even if you ignore the painfully obvious political correctness and the clumsy layout this sign radiates more evil then a prison full of child molesters. "You Future Starts Now" well that is just incorrect Safeway needs to hire a fucking fact checker; lets see if I can make a more accurate slogan:

"The Meth Addiction is getting stronger, how you gonna pay?"

"You are on your 47 abortion and planned parenthood is becoming suspicious, you need another way to dispose of the fetuses...."

"You have acne/glandular problems"

"Your obese, middle-age white trash"

"You have been wondering where the long, strenuous road of life ends, well, this is it"

"You read A View From Outer Space"

Monday, September 3, 2007


Suggest a blog name, win brownie points. "A View From Outer Space" is weak; we need a name that accurately conveys the awesomeness of this blog. As an incentive to help your favorite blog, we will be giving out 500 brownie points to the winner and a invite.

Think away!


Foolish eBay member petere92346 innocently placed a bottle of ale from 1852, "full and corked with a wax seal". collectordan, a fellow eBay user purchased the beverage for $304.00. Twenty days later, collectordan resells the drink for $503,300.00USD.

[Original] -- [Resale]